Nine Tips for Accelerating Root Canal Recovery

What should you do to speed up your recovery after root canals? If you have the above question in mind, read this blog in full. Here we've discussed the top 9 tips you can use for a speedy root canal recovery. In our previous blog, we have discussed the four warning signs of root canals in Glendale. So, if you're ready to begin the speedy recovery of root canals, let's begin.

9 Tips for a Speedy Recovery After Root Canals in Glendale:

  1. Avoid Eating Right After the Treatment:

    Don't consume until the numbness disappears. And when you start eating, do not chew the food using the treated tooth directly. It is required to let the tenderness disappear from the region surrounding the treated tooth.

  2. Cold Compress:

    Use cold compresses after the root canals in Glendale repeatedly for 15 minutes. It'll help you subside the swelling.

  3. Keep Your Head Elevated:

    Some soreness and swelling will remain in your mouth after the treatment. So, for a few nights, make sure to elevate your head using a pillow. This will ease your pain and will reduce your discomfort.

  4. Use Common Pain-Relieving Medications:

    Although the treatment itself is painless, you might experience some pain after the anesthetic leaves its effect. Your saturday dentist in Glendale will recommend some anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers. These will aid the recovery by hastening it.

  5. Gargles:

    You should gargle using salt and warm water. It'll help you clean your mouth and keep away any infections.

  6. Prefer Light Activities:

    Avoid hiking, running, sports, or activities involving physical labor right after root canals treatment in Glendale. You should ideally take at least two days off from the job post the treatment. It'll ensure speedy recovery too.

  7. Stay Away From Inflammation:

    Consuming alcohol, smoking, and drinking hot liquids can cause inflammation. It must be warded off compulsorily. Also, refrain from consuming food that gets stuck in the teeth. In a nutshell, avoid doing any activities that boost inflammation.

  8. Consult Your Dentist:

    If you think there's something unusual about your root canals, visit our dental office in Glendale – Smile Dental Practice. Dr. Edik Haghverdian will offer you the best consultation available.

  9. Sensitivity is Normal:

    Sensitivity after the treatment can last for a week or two. So, if you touch the area with your tongue and feel sensations or soreness, there's nothing to worry about. It'll eventually go.

Who Is the Best Dentist Glendale for Root Canals Treatment?

If you're looking for the finest root canals in Glendale, reach out to Dr. Edik Haghverdian – Smile Dental Practice. Dr. Haghverdian has decades of experience in the dental industry. So, you can expect the best treatment. For more information call us at 818-696-5060 and schedule an appointment today.


Getting your dream smile is easier than you think.

At Smile Dental Practice we welcome you on the journey towards a complete transformation of your smile! Please contact us if you have any questions or to schedule a consultation.

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